Photo-archives 2017-2020
February 23rd, 2020
Cinema premiere of the Film MUSIC, CANVAS, OIL... / Vienna

Introductory speech and Q&A after the film (with the help of the interpreter Mag. Christine Helmberger)

Sergey Popolsin, Rosmarie Spitzer with Ylvie Brehmer, Evgeny Masloboev
Photo-archives 2017-2020
August 23rd, 2020
Film d'auteur: MUSIC, CANVAS, OIL...
International Filmfestival DOCS WITHOUT BORDERS
Nassau, Delaware, USA

The Award Winners have been listed on the Festival's Website
Photo-archives 2017-2020
October 1st, 2020
Film d'auteur: MUSIC, CANVAS, OIL...
Nassau, Delaware, USA

The Award Winners have been listed on the Festival's Website
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